Friday, March 12, 2010

Blogging for Fun

Allen, Jeffrey. "Blogging for fun:." Experience Wntr 2008: 37+. Academic OneFile. Web. 12 Mar. 2010.

The author in this article describes essentially what a blog is and how to get your own started. While much of this information is considered to be common knowledge in today’s standards he makes several interesting points on why blogs are a helpful tool to some. Many people start blogs for the purpose of sharing their thoughts on a hobby they enjoy, politics, religion, etc. But in this article Jeffery Allen points out that blogs also can be used for business owners to potentially recruit new clients. If you maintain a blog about a law firm and you post different thoughts you have on certain cases or just the practice of law in general, a person looking at your blog might like what you say and want to have you represent them. This could apply for any type of business.

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Educational Blogging as a research tool

Ghosh, M. (2004, August 18). Educational blogging as a research tool. Retrieved from C:\Documents and Settings\s501844\Desktop\Classes\SPRING 2010\Comp 112\Educational blogging as a research tool « Weblog Tools Collection.mht

In this article the author argues about educational blogging as a research tool. The author states that blogging is a great venue to chat with others about certain issues or problems but in a more public manner. It is recommended that classes now have “class blogs” that enable the students to get on and discuss assignments and post resources valuable to the entire class. Not only does this benefit the students in the class currently but it also can be made available to future students who take that course. Even separate courses can benefit from this as well. Say you are working on a lab for a polymer science course and the same material is being covered in a architectural engineering class, these two classes could look at each others’ notes and both benefit from each other.
Senior Citzen Bloggers Defy Stereotypes

Johnson, Carla K. "Senior Citizen Bloggers Defy Stereotypes; Increasing numbers of blogs are being created by older people, who say their hobby keeps them up on current events, lets them befriend strangers around the globe, and gives them a voice in a society often deaf to the wisdom of the elderly." InformationWeek (2005). Academic OneFile. Web. 8 Mar. 2010.

In this article the author focused on how there is an increasing number of senior citizens now partaking in the world of blogging. Many of the elderly that are maintaining blogs love having their thoughts and opinions heard at an age where their thoughts aren’t as respected as they once were. The increasing number of senior citizens that are maintaining blogs is defying the stereotype that blogging is a hobby for people in their twenties. It also breaks away from the stereotype that the elderly don’t even use computers. Statistics show that three percent of senior citizens that use the internet now have blogs. This number may not sound like a lot but in comparison only thirteen percent of 18-29 year olds have blogs.

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